Tuesday, September 17, 2024

8th grade Sketching

 The 8th graders had a fantastic time visiting the capitol to sketch the building "en plein air." They were excited to use charcoal for their drawings after exploring two different charcoal techniques!

Third Grade spotted us from the top of the Capitol Building. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall Art Contest and Show!



Artwork will be judged by student leadership according to the following:
1. Neatness
2. Students own work
3. Creativity

Students who turn in work will compete in the following categories: 
Kindergarten ONLY 
First and Second grade
Third, fourth and fifth grade
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade 

Each student who submits work meeting the requirements will have their artwork displayed in our school wide Art Show the week of October 23rd 

A 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded in each category:
1st place awarded 1 Dress Down Pass
2nd & 3rd place awarded a full size candy bar 

Good luck to all!