Friday, September 17, 2021

Pattern in Art

In the art room  we are discussing Pattern in Art. Students are building on their "Line and Shape" art skills. We will tackle projects in this unit that explore various art mediums featuring patterns.


This week students engaged with several artworks featuring pattern elements. We discussed two different types of patterns, and learned how to spot the different patterns on artwork we encounter everyday! 

Students will spend the next two weeks further developing their knowledge base of artwork featuring these elements as well as practicing their skills creating 3 projects dealing with patterns. 

Pictured above: Kandinsky, Color Study, 1913. This painting features a regular pattern. Students used this artwork as a reference for creating their own regular pattern. 

Pictured Above: First grade student using repeating shapes and colors to create a regular pattern. 

Pictured left: First grade student using four repeating colors to create a regular pattern using shape and line.